After listening to the President's top adviser on counter-terrorism, John Brennan, make a complete imbecile of himself on the talk show circuit, I decided we need a few cartoons on the blog to counter his stupidity. Between the amending of Executive Order 12425 making Interpol immune to our laws protecting citizens' rights inside America and listening to counter-terrorism experts unable to connect dots on a two dot puzzle, the last few weeks have constituted America's entrance into the Twilight Zone.

some biting commentary there for sure.
Somehow, we have to get the government to quit strip searching grandma and start scanning for real terrorists, Charles. They pull my wife aside every time we fly because of her metal knees. We've always treated it with humor before, but after the Christmas Day Bomber it's not so funny anymore.
You know, Bernard, in a sick sort of way it's even funnier...as the cartoon underlines.
We have to laugh, Bernita. It's the only way to keep the blood pressure down. :)
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