In my continued reading of England's calamities as they become America's canary in the coal mine, I read this blood pressure bursting article on their resident welfare, fifth column, terrorist traitors.
It's no wonder the Tory party is promising to drop immigration by 75% if elected. I loved what Judge Mellanby said when these scum's lawyers argued freedom of speech -She said: 'No one has the right to be gratuitously offensive or insulting. It is not just insulting to the soldiers but to the citizens and public of Luton who were out on the streets that day to honour and welcome the soldiers home.'
I would have gone way beyond her and drop kicked this bunch right out of the country... or into the ocean. After looking at the pictures of these lunatic enemy within and the fact they are on English welfare I visualized our UK canary in the coal mine beginning to get groggy.
Here our valiant canary considers profiling options at airports and perks up a bit.
OMG! I had to post this addition from today's UK MailOnline about an English family shut out of their dream home by Romanian squatters over Christmas after their house was just completed. The cops called them racists. You have to read this to believe it. Our canary just keeled over on its side gasping for breath.
Good information, John.
'Our unique methodology for screening passengers can easily discern (independently of race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, age, and gender) the defining characteristics of human beings who are about to engage in terrorist acts.'
If it works, I'm all for it. So far, the most threatened nation in the world, Israel, I believe uses many of the indicators you outlined.
All methods of interdiction should be co-ordinated. We shouldn't rely on just a few.
The system is definitely out of wack.
And it seems the least expensive methods are the most effective, Bernita.
I think it all comes down to personal responsibility, Charles. The Security Agency employees both here and abroad want a billion dollar machine to blame when a guy like the Christmas Bomber bypasses everything and nearly kills a plane-load of people.
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