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Friday, January 7, 2011

Animal Apocalypse?

The media displaced everything to deal with the latest animal death oddities Sudden Demise. This article dealing with the facts and theories is about the best I’ve found. I’ve read stuff claiming everything from of course Global Warming to Alien Death Rays. Having grown up in Tornado country back in the fifties there was an old farmer saying about it raining cats and dogs. In a tornado such happenings on a small scale had occurred at some time to generate the saying. Because of actual sightings involving someone’s Toto spinning down out of the sky we know a lot of strange, unexplainable things can happen where nature is involved… that is until the media gets a slow news cycle – then it becomes the animal apocalypse and we of course are to blame.  :) 


Charles Gramlich said...

Sudden die offs like this are actually very common. the usual causes are weather or disease related. Human actions do occassionally cause die offs directly. Most of the time it's just unfortunate but no particular cause for alarm. The media will have a field day, though.

BernardL said...

You're right, Charles. The scientists have been trying to get just that message out. With the very real shooting tragedy in Arizona, the media abandoned the animals in a heartbeat though.

Virginia Lady said...

Unfortunately, we are living in an era of sensationalist journalism, not that I think what it being called journalism usually actually is journalism. Everything is being blown up into these dire stories and is only making people get more stressed and annoyed. Some are stressed because of the atrocity that the media claims is occurring, some are stressed because of idiocy of the way stories are being covered.

BernardL said...

Exactly, VL. The media hides what it wishes and trumpets the agenda they're pushing. Reporting the news is a lost art. The media wonders why newspapers are failing all over the country, including the sacred New York Times, but it really isn't a mystery - they've chosen to create the news rather than report it.