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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We’re waiting at Oakland International for our flight to Las Vegas. My wife has an X-Ray Tech conference to attend for the next few days there and I’ll be going to the Matco Tools trade show. We’ll be staying at Wynn’s Encore where her seminar is. I hope to have some funny stuff to report along with a picture or two. I will be posting Chapter Two of Storm also for anyone who liked the first chapter.

A guy just violated a security area. He went behind our flight desk and popped open the door for some unknown reason. Now he’s standing there while a voice tells him he has violated an airport security area. The automatic voice is telling him to stay where he is. (This reminds me of when I was flying with the kids and wife. My wife sent me for something to drink. I no sooner reached the cashier than the alarm started sounding for someone opening a gate door. I look up. It’s my daughter standing there with the deer in the headlights look.) A security guy just reset things. At least they didn’t send one of the guys with a helmet and M16. I still can't figure out what the guy thought he was doing. It looks like the security guy can't figure it either. He's laughing though so all is well. Well, on to the home of CSI. :)


Virginia Lady said...

Have a good trip, Bernard. I look forward to your next installment of "Storm" and any amusing incidents from your travels as well.

Charles Gramlich said...

Laughing is better than macing, beating, shooting.

BernardL said...

Thanks, VL, it's coming right up. :)

Yes it is, Charles, although the guy they sent over from security didn't look like he needed to do any of those things to control someone. :)