My morning gambling excursion ended in a rather funny incident at the Encore. First though, I must write of the morning weather repeating Thursday’s clear, fresh coldness on my hike to the Stratosphere. I stopped in at the
I arrived at the end of my journey near Encore’s beautiful entryway in the rear and was accosted by a very nice young man greeting the limousine arrivals. He was all smiles, perfect demeanor, and polite can I be of service look. My attire tripped his extrasensory perception Rube Alert. I may be up to no good, due to the fact I look like I just walked up from an
“Hello, Sir, how are you today?” My sudden escort asks expansively, friendly as all get out.
“Very well, thanks,” I respond, noting he’s falling in alongside me.
“It is a beautiful morning, isn’t it? Are you a guest here, Sir?”
“Why yes, I am.” I prove it by digging my wallet out with the handsome red room key.
“Welcome back to the Encore, Sir. Have a great day.” He moves off with Rube Alert alarm reset.
“Thanks, I will.” It’s nice to belong. :)
I wonder what would have happened if you hadn't been a guest?
He would have directed me to another entrance. I was short-cutting through the fancier entryway where the limos were greeted. It went into the Encore through a very swank shop and provided access to a spot closer to the elevators. I went through the regular entryway near the registration desk the rest of the time without a greeter. :)
Hard to get upset about it--he was so durn nice, lol. :)
I don't know, Bernard--didn't you have the teensiest desire to trip him?
He sure was, Raine. :)
Not at all, Beth, I admire people who do their work well. He has a thankless job and does it with a professional flare. :)
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