I snapped this picture Saturday of my Grandson at bat in a T-Ball tournament (Coaches Pitched). It was over a hundred degrees in
On Sunday, it cooled off into the low nineties for the kids, and my Grandson’s team won the tournament in their last at bats. Although my wife and I regret not being able to stay over in Sacramento, we had to leave the ‘Furnace’ for at least a day’s recovery before going to work today. :) In this slow period for even rejections, without any newly worded Agent form letters or publisher put downs to report, at least there was joy for the 'Mudville Nine' in the Sacramento Furnace this weekend.
Bernard, Sounds like an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon. It was 'only' 100 degrees. That's nothing. *ggg*
Sacramento is a 'Furnace', but you live in the 'Blast Furnace', Jordan. There is a reason why so many wagon trains never made it through Arizona you know. :)
I live in the wrong part of the continent.
And Bernard, thank you so much for your support at the Roast.
I've been in a lot of places, Bernita, but I never found a more mild clime than the SF Bay Area. Visiting in Sacramento for a day during the summer is about all I can stand. :)
Oh Dad! I swear you get more fragile every year. ;) I was without air conditioning for two weeks in the furnace before this tournament. It builds character. ;) ...We were glad you guys could come up for atleast one day. I haven't forgotten about the pictures, I will send them this weekend hopefully. Love ya!
Yep, fragile, that's me. :)
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