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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reintro - Sotello - and a Demon V: Dark Illusion Update

This week's choice for reintroduction is 'Sotello', a political novel I had a great time writing. Readers were quick to pick up on politically incorrect stances on abortion, illegal immigration, and many other subjects that were being avoided at all costs by other authors... they didn't have day jobs. I did. :) Also, I have an update on Demon V: Dark Illusion. I am past the 74K word mark. Fans of the series will not be disappointed with this new Mike and Demon adventure. It will be released in early September.



Charles Gramlich said...

Glad to see you are still keeping up the momentum!

BernardL said...

Charles, I'm having a great time with Demon V. If we don't write in today's market, we disappear, my friend. I wish you'd reconsider doing a novel with a bit of the supernatural combined with your professorial experiences at the college, along with the humor as in Days of Beer. :)