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Monday, January 20, 2014

HARD CASE on Audio! HARD CASE IV for pre-release!

We writers today must also be marketers. We could pretend our work is an art form above the call and duty of marketing. Yeah... let me know how that works out for you. :)  Authors write. Authors market. Unless your name is Stephen King or Nora Roberts, that's just the way it is. I wish it were different. Thanks to RJ Parker Publishing obtaining full publishing credentials with Amazon, my fourth book in the HARD CASE series is now up for pre-release sales, titled Hard Case Book IV: A Violent Life.


Also, the first book in the series is now available on audio. RJ Parker and I have come a long way together, and he is indeed a marketeer and publisher as well as being a best selling author of true crime novels. His latest offering, Serial Killers True Crime Anthology 2014 is a truly horrific look at the genre's subject. Here is the link to HARD CASE in audio form, over ten hours of nonstop action, adventure, violence, and humor.

HARD CASE on Audio

We have award winning narrator Kevin Pierce doing the entire Hard Case series, and he is very entertaining as the voice of my Hard Case offerings.


RJ Parker Publishing said...

Good blog brother. Nothing comes easy today like you say. Wouldn't it be wonderful just to research and write. But this business has become so competitive what with; big publishers, Amazon street name publishers, other Indies, and oh yeah, book killers. We have to be out front, interacting with fans, blogging, gifting, having contests, comments and facebook comments and tweeting. The social aspect is almost a full time job but you and I have proven, engaging with the fans is so important because, a lot of authors don't do, we do it and people are amazed. They feel connected. And, these people talk. Word of mouth will always be the number one best marketing tool. So yes, we have to wear many hats unless you're Mr. King and don't need to interact. I'm glad we need to because we've got some great loyal and dedicated friends/fans. BTW folks, Hard Case IV is THE best HC book yet. Very intense. I've read 72K words so far and the body count is a small army. :) RJ

BernardL said...

We're working it, brother. It would indeed be nice to just write... period. Those days are in the past. The funny part of all this is as you say, we enjoy the interaction. The fans are wonderful, and even the 'Book Killing, One Star Hit Artists' are sometimes entertaining. :)

I just passed the 77k mark, and I'm afraid we lost another. :)

Charles Gramlich said...

Marketing is tough. I'm still learning. I think you are way ahead of the curve compared to me.

BernardL said...

Marketing is a tough one, Charles. It's also a roller coaster ride. Some months it works, and others leave us wondering what the heck happened. :)