Taking on supplies Gulf of Tonkin 1969
When I saw this picture of the Lone Ranger and Tonto, I started laughing. Whenever the Ranger would leave port, or pull away from a hook up with other ships after taking on supplies, the ship’s speaker system would blare out the theme song from the Lone Ranger TV show. Two guys, dressed as the Lone Ranger and Tonto would get up on a roll around white horse. I thought it was really slick upon seeing it for the first time. The guys who had been on the ship a lot longer thought I was nuts, and would grin knowingly. After three years, I still liked us steaming out of port in a cloud of dust, and a hearty ‘Hi ho, Silver, away’. My enthusiasm for this ceremonial leave taking usually elicited the phrase ‘Bernie, you are such a boot camp’ from my shipmates. What can I say, I was always easily entertained. :)
I would've loved it every time too. ;)
My shipmates felt the chill when the music blared too, Jordan. They just couldn't admit it. :)
I think that sounds awesome! I wouldn't want to know someone who didn't.
It was a unique gig out there no other ship did, D. :)
Me too.
Because there's a noble idea behind it.
I don't know who came up with the idea originally, Bernita; but it combined nostalgia, bravado, and classical music. :)
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