Wow, anyone else think this picture is a little disturbing? :)
Every year I issue my annual New Year’s vow not to annoy my wife. Boy, yesterday my wife called me annoying, thereby making me 0 for 32 at successful New Year’s resolutions. I set a new record for breaking my resolution at six days into the New Year, and I wasn’t even trying. Out of nowhere yesterday afternoon, came my wife’s exasperated voice, “you are so annoying!”
Granted, I was doing a comedy routine, involving the penchant of some women (my wife included) for asking us guys what our opinion is on something, when they’ve already decided what they’re going to do. I’ve battled this over the years by studiously picking the option I know she only threw in to make it appear as if I had a choice. As I reasonably list the advantages of my option, the wife’s face becomes more irritated with each logical reason. She knows after all these years what I’m doing; but she still can’t resist keeping up the appearance of choice, by asking me my opinion. She starts laughing after a while, and then comes the infamous ‘you are so annoying’. There’s something to be said for consistency. :)
Nice photoshop pic. I'm actually kind of worried about the kids. That looks a little rough given their ages.
As for your wife, (shakes head), Bernard, tsk, tsk, tsk.
Yea, Jordan, I thought the cat edition was pretty funny. The main picture has no adult, and those kids don't look happy. Someone snapped the picture, hopefully from right next to them. As to the other, your tsk's are noted. :)
Conjugal games.
She'd probably miss it if you stopped.
That's what I keep telling her, Bernita. :)
I was doing a comedy routine, involving the penchant of some women (my wife included) for asking us guys what our opinion is on something, when they’ve already decided what they’re going to do.
And you thought her response would be...what? ;)
"And you thought her response would be...what? ;)"
You got me, Raine. I was looking for 'you are so annoying'. :)
Makes me think of a commercial that's out for some cell phone. Girl keeps asking guy which shoe, dress, whatever he likes better and then she chooses the one he didn't. It ends with her final query and he eyes the phone he wants and chooses that option, and sure enough, she picks the other, leaving him the phone he wanted.
The games people play. But they keep things fun!
I love the photo, but I do wonder how long those kids are going to hold on, and where exactly is that cat going to land? I hope he can swim. Rafts don't take kindly to claws.
I haven't seen that commercial yet, VL. I'm going to Google it. It sounds exactly like what I'm talking about. There's a site on-line where you can replay just about any commercial. I tape nearly everything I watch on TV, so I can shoot by the commercials. Thanks.
I think, like Jordan wrote, the cat was added in. Without the photoshop addition of the cat, the picture is just a bit frightening.
LOL, that's hilarious. Er, the story, not the photo. The photo scares me. =)
Erica, I looked up the cell-phone commercial VL brought up. That guy's face in the commercial looks just like mine, when my wife asks me for an opinion. I'm never able to pull off the reverse psychology stunt though like he did with the cell phones. :)
I hope most of the photo was doctored.
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