Tomorrow morning is release day for my latest novel: Hard
Case Book IV: A Violent Life. As a writer, coupled with the nuts and bolts of
also being a mechanic, I see an endless stream of positives and negatives with
each new offering. I’m jaded in that I have a day-job away from writing I was
born for in a way. I love fixing cars and trucks. It’s paid off in my owning
the shop and land I have in Oakland, CA.
My buddy from the service refers to me as Castle. While I
never miss an episode, I’m not Castle. I’m a storyteller. While I respect the
works of others, I have no need to seek the approval of the top tier writers.
Writing, first and foremost, satisfies a craving deep inside of me. I can
create worlds where all the wrongs I see in real life get handled the way I want
them to. Writing is like being an Auto Tech. I fix things. In my imaginary
worlds away from reality, my fixes and characters deviate from the politically
correct norm in drastic ways.
Hard Case Book IV: A Violent Life is a fix in exactly that
set of parameters. It is a no holds barred, action and adventure novel, with
human horror and humor mixed in. While I have no easy fixes for real life, I
can adapt the entire earth to meet my needs in the fictional world. The process
is addictive, which makes writing so exciting. :)