Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sharia Justice

The religion of peace strikes again with Sharia Law justice. A sixteen year old girl is raped. The Elders sentence her to 101 lashes, pardon the rapist, and fine the girl’s father. Yep, that’s what the world needs – more Sharia Law. They must not allow these people in Bangladesh to own weapons because there would have been a village massacre before they ever meted out that ‘justice’ on my daughter.


  1. You know, Bernard, it's always the woman's fault in that cro magnan mind-set.

  2. No reasoning human being can fathom this type of thinking, Bernita. We had an Iraqi man run over his own daughter in an Arizona honor killing for being too Westernized. We could do without that type of diversity.

  3. As Robert E. Howard said, Barbarism will ultimately triumph. This is a good example of it getting a head start. I agree, I'd been shooting folks trying to lash my child.

  4. I remember that passage very well from 'Beyond The Black River', Charles. It's one of my favorite stories by Howard. I know what Conan would have done in that village. :)

  5. Bernard, their weapons laws are probably similar to those California enjoys.

  6. Except for the license renewal every year there, you're right, Matthew. They only have one firearm per 220 families. We have a few more than that even in California. With Sharia law parties like the one in the article, there should be more.
