In light of the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crisis in Japan this news from China about developing Thorium reactors should probably be on every front page in the world
Thorium. The technology was pioneered by physicists at Oak Ridge Lab back in the 1960’s but for some unknown reason (like maybe it couldn’t be used as a bomb) the US abandoned the technology. The waste is a thousand times less and shutdown is immediate in the event of a disaster. Thorium is as common as lead and easily attainable. If China’s claims about this new type energy generator prove true it may mean a revolution in new energy producing plants. I believe the Japanese people would be open to a conversion to Thorium based reactors. Anywhere in the world where natural disasters can’t be predicted or contained would be common sense candidates for this new tech. If China can do this with technology stolen from the Oak Ridge Lab boys, I’m sure we could easily launch this new wave of energy.
On the war front, the Arab League after getting their minions in the UN to scramble up an air war over a Libyan civil war where we are the enemy to both sides, they announced opposition to it now. In other words, we’re the bad guys again. Putin from Russia compares it to Medieval crusades where foppish instigators drummed up visions of freeing people and shadowy atrocities being committed. China’s media is of course working us over as the aggressors. We are full bore now into a lose/lose situation. We’re being denounced on all sides. If Gaddafi wins, we lose, and atrocities will be committed. If the Islamist rebels win, we lose, and atrocities will be committed. I don’t get it. If President Obama wanted a military action with our interests in mind how about a full scale air war against the Somali Pirates. He’d have our entire nation backing him on that one.